In preparation
Denial in discourse: On German trotzdem and obwohl as discourse markers. (manuscript, 50%, University of Tübingen)
Informationsstruktur im Diskurs: Struktureller Kontrast mit dagegen und wiederum. (manuscript, 60%, University of Tübingen, intended for Deutsche Sprache)
In editing
Dimensions of contrast in discourse. The case of German contrastive discourse connectives. (Dissertation, submitted March 2019, University of Cologne)
Contrast via information structure: On topic progression with German aber in post-initial position. (Proceedings volume in Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, de Gruyter)[abstract]
Zieleke, Regina: Dieser wiederum vs. der junge Professor wiederum. Zum Zusammenspiel referentieller Ausdrücke und wiederumin Nacherstposition. In: Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday ed. by Chiara Gianollo / Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann, 270–273. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. [pdf]
Zieleke, Regina & Łukasz Jędrzejowski: Dennochs Reise in die linke Peripherie. In: Paths through meaning and form. Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday ed. by Chiara Gianollo / Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Sofiana I. Lindemann, 274–279. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. [pdf]
Zieleke, Regina: German parenthetical discourse markers between perception and cognition – An explorative approach to parallel corpus data. (Proceedings of DiscAnn workshop) [pdf]
Zieleke, Regina: The incausality of trotzdem and dennoch: Generic Contrast. (Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung, vol. 25, 924–938.). [pdf]

October 2022
Contrastive Topic marking with German dagegen ('in contrast') and wiederum ('in turn')
(Linguistic Evidence 2022, Paris)
July 2022
Lexical expressions of Verum (with Kalle Müller)
(Research Seminar English Department (Susanne Winkler), University of Tübingen)
November 2021
Contrast via information structure: On topic progression with German aber in post-initial position
(International Workshop on the Expression of Contrast and the Annotation of Information Structure in Corpora, KU Leuven)
October 2021
German parenthetical discourse markers between perception and cognition. An explorative approach to parallel corpus data.
(DiscAnn Workshop, University of Tübingen)
July 2021
Generischer Kontrast mit dennoch und trotzdem
(Abteilungskolloquium, Deutsches Seminar, University of Tübingen)
Spetember 2020
The incausality of dennoch and trotzdem: Generic Contrast.
(25. Sinn und Bedeutung, online)
November 2019
On German contrastive connectives and information structure.
Invited talk: Gramsem (series of talks), Lund University (Sweden)
October 2019
The combinability of German contrastive connectives.
Workshop: Bucharest Discourse Workshop, Bucharest University (Romania)
July 2019
On contrast with German dennoch and trotzdem.
Workshop: Discourse Structure in Contrast, Ahrweiler
May 2019
German contrastive discourse connectives. Structural contrast with dagegen (‘in contrast’) and wiederum (‘in turn’).
Series of talks: Linguistischer Arbeitskreis (LAK), Department for German language and linguistics, University of Cologne
March 2019
German contrastive connectives beyond aber. An analysis of contrast on dimensions.
Conference: 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, AG 5 Opposing Opposition, Bremen University
January 2018
Contrastive discourse connectives and their relations: Annotating topic-comment-structure.
Workshop: Germanistik zwischen Köln und Tokio (GAKT 2018), University of Cologne
November 2017
Contrastive discourse connectives and their relations: The case of German wiederum (‘in turn’).
Conference: 62. StuTS, Nijmegen University (Netherlands)
September 2015
Focus in French and German Clefts.
Conference: Under one Roof: Sharing a Form with Focus (GWIS 3), Graz University (Austria)
December 2014
Topics in Clefts – A contrastive approach of French and German.
Conference: The Architecture of Topic, Lund University (Sweden)

March 2023
AG 6 Signaling discourse relations: Exploring (non-)connective cues
with Jet Hoek and Merel C. J. Scholman
45th Annual Conference of the German Society,
University of Cologne
February 2022
44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Tübingen/online (support team)
July 2019
Workshop: Discourse Structure in Contrast, Ahrweiler
October 2016
9. Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs), University of Cologne
Co-organisor: Elyesa Seidel (née Uzun)